- My Life for Your Life, Clarke A. Paris.
- SafeCallNow: Confidential 24-hour crisis referral service for members of public safety and their families. www.safecallnow.org.
- Serve & Protect: Confidential 24-hour crisis hotline and chaplain/therapist alliance for law enforcement families. www.serveprotect.org.
- Badge of Life: Organization that provides psychological survival awareness and education, data collection, and training for law enforcement officers. www.badgeoflife.com.
- The Pain Behind the Badge: Books, seminars, movie all designed for Suicide Prevention for Cops. www.ThePainBehindtheBadge.com.
- Langus, Pike & Associates. Provides psychological services, training, and critical incident debriefing services for law enforcement. California. www.drtoddlangus.net
- 11-99 Bridge: Nonprofit corporation dedicated to reducing law enforcement suicide. Information, counseling and opportunities that help prevent LE suicide. www.1199bridge.com.