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How To Love Your Cop
How To Love Your Cop

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Financial Resources & Assistance

  • GPS Financial Coaching: Operated by a motor officer in California. Offers financial tips, classes, and coaching, especially for police families. http://gpsfinancialcoaching.com 
  • Dave Ramsey: Books, programs, financial advice. www.daveramsey.com
  • Sheep Dog Impact Assistance: Sheep Dog IA provides assistance to military, law enforcement, fire & rescue, and other emergency personnel and their families in times of need and personal hardship. They also provide assistance to communities during disasters with a volunteer relief force, and educate people on the importance of disaster preparedness and survival. www.sheepdogia.org.


  • Dave Ramsey’s Life insurance search link: https://www.daveramsey.com/elp/health-insurance.
  • For sex-related issues in marriage, here’s a faith-based website that promotes healing in that area of life. Excellent books available. www.barbarawilson.org.
